FREE DELIVERY in and around Granby CT. within 20-mile radius.


Locally-Grown Organic Microgreens Delivered To Your Doorstep

Do you live in Northen Connecticut? Well then say "Hello" to your new favorite locally grown food that can be added to any meal for extra nutrition & taste!

Microgreens are up to 40X more nutrient-dense than mature greens like Broccoli. They can help...

  • Boost your immune system
  • Lower inflammation
  • Improve gut health

Locally-Grown Organic Microgreens Delivered To Your Doorstep

Do you live in Northen Connecticut? Well then say "Hello" to your new favorite locally grown food that can be added to any meal for extra nutrition & taste!

Microgreens are up to 40X more nutrient-dense than mature greens like Broccoli. They can help...

  • Boost your immune system
  • Lower inflammation
  • Improve gut health

Hey! We are Stephen & Sherry Danalis, your local microgreens farmer...

Our farm, Certify R.A.W (renewed and working), is a small "direct to community" non-profit farm that offers quick home deliveries anywhere in Northen Connecticut with a mission to break the cycle of housing and food insecurity for young women in crisis.

We specialize in growing 5 varieties of nutrient-dense microgreens…

Proven by Research To Have Tons of Potential Health Benefits…

  • Boosts your immune system
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Can help contribute to weight loss
  • Can help reduce the risk of various chronic diseases
  • Improves gut health
  • And much more!

What Are Microgreens?

Microgreens are the earliest stage of a vegetable plant’s development, after the sprouting stage.

They are “living foods” – Purposefully utilized in their most nutritious and delicious state.

In the photo below, you can see sprouts on the left, microgreens in the middle, and a more mature vegetable plant on the right:

Why Microgreens Are Healthier Than Regular Greens Like Lettuce, Spinach & Kale…

  • Their nutrient content is more concentrated
  • Their vitamin and antioxidants levels are up to 40X higher than more mature greens
  • They’re richer in macro minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium
  • They’re richer in micro minerals such as iron, zinc and copper
  • And I can go on and on… They’re richer in B vitamins, essential amino acids, folate etc!

Get These Amazing Super Foods Sent Straight to Your Doorstep,
Less Than 24 Hours After They’re Harvested?

Locally grown in Granby Connecticut




with our top 5 microgreens...



Loaded with vitamins A, B complex, D, and E, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorus.

Sunflower microgreens are large, substantial greens that are crunchy and have a pleasant nutty flavor. We love to use them as a base for any microgreen's salad. They make an excellent snack, and your kids will even try to sneak them! We recommend this as a staple of any crop or microgreens salad.

Great with:
Soups, salads, omelets, and scrambled eggs, as well as sandwiches and wraps.



The nutritional value in broccoli microgreens is tremendous and includes:

High in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. Macro-elements such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous, and micro-elements such as iron, copper and zinc. Turns out broccoli is also high in sulforaphane. Broccoli microgreens sulforaphane is up to 40 times higher than mature broccoli and more potent than sprouts.

A handful of broccoli microgreens on salads, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, pizza, sandwiches and wraps is equivalent to eating 10 stems of broccoli. Studies have also shown that broccoli microgreens have been shown to reverse chronic illnesses such as heart disease and type II diabetes.


Mild Micro Mix

This blend of mildly flavored brassicas contains mizuna, cabbage, kale, and kohlrabi. Mostly green with a touch of purple. Contains antioxidants, Fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, Iron, and Copper.

Compliments flavors such as grilled pork, pancetta, sausage, garlic, chilies, onions, thyme, and caraway.


Field Pea

Contains vitamins A and C, Folic Acid, and Fiber.

Pea shoots, also known as field pea, have a relatively unique sweet taste. The shoot is tender and succulent without the tendrils, making it suitable for juicing.

Make a great garnish or addition to any salad. Acts as a suitable substitute for lettuce.



Loaded with vitamins A, B, C, E, & K, Folic Acid, Niacin, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Carotenes.

Radish microgreens are substantial and crunchy and taste exactly like radish. Very easy and fast growers. Makes a great addition to any salad, sandwich, or garnish. Use sparingly for a radish accent.


Available in 4 oz, 6 oz or 12 oz.
Sunflower, field pea, radish, broccoli or
mild micro salad mix.
Finally, health enthusiast and vegetarians In New England have direct access to Certify R.A.W's delicious, locally grown microgreens that are considered living functional food. Our selection of microgreens has superior performances, yield, visual appeal, and most important, FLAVOR!
At Certify R.A.W, every seed we plant is certified, non-GMO. We don't add any harmful chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. Filtered water along with natural coco coir and a special LED grow light is all we need in order to produce our outstanding microgreens!
Place on soups, omelets, pizza, and scrambled eggs after cooking. Replace lettuce on burgers, sandwiches, and wraps. Add to salads or a great salad alternative. Add a handful to smoothies or juicing before blending.
Antioxidants, Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, Calcium, Copper, Carotenes, Fiber, Folic Acid, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Zinc.

One of the things I love most about these 5 varieties (other than the countless health benefits) is…

They’re so easy to use!

In fact, if you want to taste REAL FOOD and feel REAL GOOD, I recommend you…

Add them to virtually every single meal…


Sandwiches & Wraps


Smoothies & Juices

Those are just a few examples…

I encourage you to get creative and experiment with microgreens…

They can add so much flavor, texture & color to your meals!

Visit Certify R.A.W Market for Leafy Greens, Select Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils, Vinegars and Everything Salad.

You Can add These Items to Your Delivery!

3 Simple Steps To Get Started Today

  • Click the “ORDER NOW” button anywhere on this page
  • Select the type of microgreen you want & how much you'd like to order
  • Enter your contact details and click "Submit"

We will personally reach out to arrange payment & delivery. That way, we can get started growing your special order so that it's ready when you're ready :)


We strongly believe in the buy-local movement through initiatives that help the at-risk population.

Certify R.A.W is a social enterprise of Families United Serving and Embracing, 501(c)(3), that provides job opportunities and safe housing options for women who are vulnerable to exploitation.

For more information visit

We look forward to growing for you!


Stephen & Sherry Danalis

Certify R.A.W - Copyright 2022


Granby Ct

We grow, sell and deliver microgreens in Granby, Ct.

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